Dangerous Goods Note

What is a Dangerous Goods Note (DGN)?

A Dangerous Goods Note (DGN) is a shipping document used during international trade activities. It concerns the logistics associated with handling and transporting your cargo, which is classified by the UN Model Regulations as hazardous or dangerous under the Dangerous Goods Emergency Action Code List (EAC).

Dangerous Goods Note Supply

When is a Dangerous Goods Note (DGN) used?

It MUST be created when you are sending dangerous goods overseas. You don’t need to create a DGN if your goods are NOT classified as dangerous, in which case you MUST create a Standard Shipping Note (SSN). The DGN is further classified into two modes of transport methods:

  • Surface: Use a DGN
  • Air: Use an IATA Dangerous Goods Declaration

In the event that your goods are spilled, exposed or unpacked and the result will create a hazard to people, wildlife or the environment, then a DGN must accompany the goods. Flammable liquids, such as whiskey and some wines and spirits, i.e. having alcoholic content, are an explosive risk and must be accompanied with a dangerous goods note.

Why do I need a DGN?

You need a Dangerous Goods Note to inform or pre-inform the:

  • Logistics and freighting companies on how to handle, store, and transport the goods
  • Port Authorities of the hazardous nature of your goods
  • Customs and Receiving Authorities on how to treat the cargo
  • Emergency Services on what remedies to apply in case of an accident

Financial incentive in using a DGN

Having a DGN has a financial incentive, because informing or pre-informing the necessary parties of the dangerous nature of your cargo, will save you time and money in processing your goods.

Where can I get a DGN template document?

You can get your logistics firm or freight forwarder to provide you with a blank template of the Dangerous Goods Note form. Just make sure it’s in the UN-aligned format. Alternatively, click here for a free UN-aligned DGN template.

Additionally, you can use an online solution such as edgectp.com to help you generate paper and electronic versions, just remember to use the free 30-day trial to see how you get on first.

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